Poem 78 for 2024

by fernandoafunes

Poem 78 for 2024

Poem 78

I’m prone to melancholy
As much as delusional optimism
My extremes are balanced out
By extremes
I’m going to put too much damn garlic
Tomatoes and onions and bay leaves
In the pollo guisado
I’m going to eat
Too many jalapeños with
My carne asada
I’m going to drink too much coffee
Because too much coffee
Is my regular
I feel like giving all
Or giving nothing at all
I can feign effort
But there’s a certain nobility in
Sloth and doing nothing
If you own up to doing those things
Procrastination is putting
Undue shame on yourself
When maybe you need to rest
But you’re too stubborn
To listen to yourself
Going all the way
Or standing firm in your position
There’s strength in committing
I just wish I could not feel

#poem #melanchoky #memory #tragedy