Poem 79 for 2024

by fernandoafunes

Poem 79 for 2024

Poem 79

How to Fight a Narcissist

1. Don’t.

2. Just don’t. Really. It’s not worth it.

3. I’m serious. This is something you don’t want to do.

4. Well, if you have to fight one, you might want to consider different strategies according to the narcissist you’re going to battle and your relative status to each other.

5. Actually, no. Forget it. It’s not worth it because that’s what the narcissist wants.

6. The narcissist wants to fight because in a sick and twisted way a fight is a very concentrated form of attention, and they live for attention.

7. Okay, well if you have to fight a narcissist, here’s how you do it…

8. Nah. Just don’t. Fuck That.

9. Now that I think about it, just go live your life and be happy.

10. That’ll really piss them off. You being happy and forgetting they exist.

11. Do the things you love and get lost in them. Your own joy is the greatest victory you will ever achieve.

12. Okay, if you must fight a narcissist, read Robert Greene’s The 48 Laws of Power and The Laws of Human Nature.

13. Now I know someone who recommends Robert Greene’s books signals that he or she is a narcissist, which is fair!

Which leads me to the conclusion…

14. What if I am the narcissist in this situation and instead of being the hero I’m actually the villain? This is a real thing I have to consider – what if I am the monster?

15. Nah. A real narcissist would never have that kind of doubt. In a way, my Imposter Syndrome is a good thing because it means I’ll never have the confidence to be a truly self absorbed disaster of a human being abusing others and always saying why doesn’t anyone love me?

16. Okay, here’s how you really fight a narcissist; shine so bright that you get all the attention and then…oh shit…am I the narcissist again?

17. On second thought, just walk away. It’s not worth it. Or just read a bunch of Robert Greene. He has it figured it out.

He who seeks revenge digs two graves – Confucius

79.2024 #poem #narcissist #psychology #impostersyndrome #monster #hero #villain #robertgreene #humannature #power