
Tag: Poem A Day Project

Poem 79 for 2024

Poem 79 for 2024

Poem 79

How to Fight a Narcissist

1. Don’t.

2. Just don’t. Really. It’s not worth it.

3. I’m serious. This is something you don’t want to do.

4. Well, if you have to fight one, you might want to consider different strategies according to the narcissist you’re going to battle and your relative status to each other.

5. Actually, no. Forget it. It’s not worth it because that’s what the narcissist wants.

6. The narcissist wants to fight because in a sick and twisted way a fight is a very concentrated form of attention, and they live for attention.

7. Okay, well if you have to fight a narcissist, here’s how you do it…

8. Nah. Just don’t. Fuck That.

9. Now that I think about it, just go live your life and be happy.

10. That’ll really piss them off. You being happy and forgetting they exist.

11. Do the things you love and get lost in them. Your own joy is the greatest victory you will ever achieve.

12. Okay, if you must fight a narcissist, read Robert Greene’s The 48 Laws of Power and The Laws of Human Nature.

13. Now I know someone who recommends Robert Greene’s books signals that he or she is a narcissist, which is fair!

Which leads me to the conclusion…

14. What if I am the narcissist in this situation and instead of being the hero I’m actually the villain? This is a real thing I have to consider – what if I am the monster?

15. Nah. A real narcissist would never have that kind of doubt. In a way, my Imposter Syndrome is a good thing because it means I’ll never have the confidence to be a truly self absorbed disaster of a human being abusing others and always saying why doesn’t anyone love me?

16. Okay, here’s how you really fight a narcissist; shine so bright that you get all the attention and then…oh shit…am I the narcissist again?

17. On second thought, just walk away. It’s not worth it. Or just read a bunch of Robert Greene. He has it figured it out.

He who seeks revenge digs two graves – Confucius

79.2024 #poem #narcissist #psychology #impostersyndrome #monster #hero #villain #robertgreene #humannature #power

Poem 78 for 2024

Poem 78 for 2024

Poem 78

I’m prone to melancholy
As much as delusional optimism
My extremes are balanced out
By extremes
I’m going to put too much damn garlic
Tomatoes and onions and bay leaves
In the pollo guisado
I’m going to eat
Too many jalapeños with
My carne asada
I’m going to drink too much coffee
Because too much coffee
Is my regular
I feel like giving all
Or giving nothing at all
I can feign effort
But there’s a certain nobility in
Sloth and doing nothing
If you own up to doing those things
Procrastination is putting
Undue shame on yourself
When maybe you need to rest
But you’re too stubborn
To listen to yourself
Going all the way
Or standing firm in your position
There’s strength in committing
I just wish I could not feel

#poem #melanchoky #memory #tragedy

Poem 77 for 2024

Poem 77 for 2024

Poem 77

I’ve carried with your memory
Longer than I’d care to admit
I thought with time
I’d forget you
Instead, you’ve rooted yourself
In the foundation of my very being
To the point
That I will carry you to my last breath
Even then I’m afraid
I’ll carry you
Wherever I go after

77.2024 #poem #memory

Poem 76 for 2024

Poem 76 for 2024

Poem 76

What do I have to give
So when I leave here
I can say
I didn’t leave anything behind?

76.2024 #poem #give #life

Poem 75 for 2024

Poem 75 for 2024

Poem 75

Growing up
I learned real quick
To not make a ruckus;
To not rock the boat
Or call undue attention
To myself

I was already
Emotionally neglected
Not quite abandoned
But that’s how I felt

I felt like a nuisance
But I could never figure out why
My young mind
Hadn’t conceived yet
That some people
Are just assholes
And want to bully others

I craved attention
But I hated that
The underlying risk
Was some kind of abuse

Jesus Christ
Pat Benetar was right
Hell is for Children

Those kinds of conditions
Imprinted on me a quiet resilience
That helped me
Bear humiliations
More than I can remember
Probably a bunch
I just straight up repressed

Was there ever a turning point?
Shit I feel like I’m still going
Through the same things
But 10x’d

The least I can do
Is not take out
My hurt and anger onto the world
But sometimes I have
I’m not perfect

So how have I been able
To make it this whole time?
I disassociate a lot
But I became a writer

These attacks, man
A freaking lifetime of
Having the fortress of my soul
Beseiged by would be conquerors
Who would make me their
Lackey, goon, minion, victim
Henchmen, stooge, patsy
Reason for their failure
All fail because they can’t get into my mind

I mean, yeah
I’ve been made to cry
Made to feel like I shouldn’t be alive
But somehow those ideas don’t stick

That don’t mean I don’t feel bad
I just don’t buy into their bullshit
The lies about me they want me to believe
So they can treat me less than
And take away my dignity

Dignity is the only thing I have
That I don’t have to justify
Through my actions and achievements
And I will fight to protect it

But it’s all good
I’m a writer and a poet
I ain’t going nowhere
I’ll fight you with words
I’ll fight you with my ideas
I’ll fight you with my humor
Or let’s not fight at all
Let’s treat each other with dignity
At the very least

Respect was invented to cover the place where love should be – Leo Tolstoy

75.2024 #people #poem #hurt #dignity #respect #childhood #neglect

Poem 74 for 2024

Poem 74 for 2024

Poem 74

I’m freaking weird
I wish I could fit in
But I don’t even know
What that means anymore

I’m not even a square peg
I’m one of those screws
With reverse threads
That are totally not intuitive
But which trick you into thinking
Are like any other standard screw
And which you forget about
Until you have to remove them
And you have a tough time

I feel like my biggest enemy is me
And my stubborn refusal
To be nothing except myself

Usually, and I know
I speak in generalizations a lot
Not great for an out of work
Political Scientist and Historian
But I’ve had a lot of life experiences
Where me “fitting in”
Just means submitting to someone
With more power

And submission is always about
Making yourself smaller
To fit someone’s idea of you

That’s what bullying is:
Someone with the power to hurt you
Coerces you to serving them
How they see fit

That shit ain’t ever going away
It’s one to one war, man
Mano a mano, hermano
But they don’t teach you that in schools

What did the Prussian general
Carl Von Clauseweitz say
War is the continuation of politics
By other means
Jesus Christ was he right

Office politics
Theater politics
Family politics
It’s all a struggle for power
Would it surprise you
That I considered being a diplomat
For about 18 months
When I was in college

Would it surprise you
That I identify more with supervillains
Like Magneto
Than super heroes
Not because I’m evil or inherently bad
But because I get it
You hurt the people I love
I’m going to want vengeance
Easy as that

I mean but that’s childish
I’m now at the point
Where I’m like
Just because I was hurt
Doesn’t mean I have license to hurt others
At the same time
If you come at me with bad intentions
I’m going to defend myself

I don’t want to be a victim
Or a victimizer
I just want to be cool with everyone
And do things I like to do
And heal all this trauma
Before I die

However, I will never shrink
To fit someone’s expectations of me
Never again

74.2014 #poem #fittingin #submission #conforming #power #politics #trauna #bully #heal

Poem 73 for 2024

Poem 73 for 2024

Poem 73

I meet you in other people
And I stop myself
This is projecting
This is imprinting
This is asking this person
To be you
And it never works
And I bet you do it too
You’re not coming back
I’m not going to ask for forgiveness
Too proud, too stubborn
We were more common
Than we knew
I miss you
But not at the price
Of my self respect

73.2024 #poem #love #relationships

Poem 72 for 2024

Poem 72 for 2024

Poem 72

I like how
We’ve replaced the word
With the word

It’s like patterns
Show me who I am

And algorithms
Tell me who I am

I don’t know if
I always like
My algorithms though
My YouTube algorithm specifically

Sometimes it suggests things
That make me uncomfortable
But which it believes
I will enjoy

Here’s a video of
Something dude playing bass
Which I like because I play bass

Followed by a ferrier
Trimming a horse’s hoove
Which is oddly soothing

Followed by an ad
For Better Health
Which are surprisingly
Culturally sensitive
While being personally invasive
Kinda like those
Targeted daytime TV ads
Back in the day
For unemployed people
Watching Maury Povich
On their mom’s couch

Followed by an ad
For a mushroom based
Antidepressant alternative
For people struggling to self actualize
Because of their ADHD
And not because of capitalism

It seems my YouTube algorithm
Thanks I need therapy
For my broken soul
And watered down psychedelics
For my addled brain*

*Damn, I just got why they call it Adderall

Followed by a video of
Job fails and OSHA violations
Which are tragicomic
And get sadder
The deeper you think about it
But I’m going to binge it

Capped by a video
Of some guy sniping rats
On his farm
Which I don’t watch
But am bothered
That it was suggested to me

How do I hack
My YouTube algorithm
Which arguably knows me
Better than I know myself
To NOT suggest videos
Of some guy in Oklahoma
Sniping rats with night vision

I literally have to go watch
A bunch of random videos
In other categories
To recalibrate my YouTube algorithm
To not show me stuff like that

I know about breaking patterns
But how do I break my YouTube algorithm
Which clearly believes
I’m the kind of person
Who has latent fascist tendencies

First, it’s sniping rats
Then it’s videos of how
Critical Race Theory
Will be the downfall of
The American Empire
And bite size Jordan Peterson content
On how to be a man

I just want to disassociate
Isn’t that my God given right
As a citizen born on American soil?
At least that’s what a YouTube video told me

72.2024 #poem #humor #satire #pattern #youtube #algorithm

Poem 71 for 2024

Poem 71 for 2024

Poem 71

An antique store
Is a thrift store museum
Where the only meaning
Any of the objects have
Is whatever significance
You project onto them
Which is always
Some sort of saudade¹
You can’t pinpoint
But which antique stores
Always seem to elicit

¹Saudade being
The Brazilian idea of
Longing for something
That doesn’t exist anymore
A conscious awareness
That makes life sad and happy
At the same time²

²It’s more than that
But I think you have to be
A Brazilian in Brazil
To know how serious
And not serious
The vibe is

The past in the antique store is alive
While being dead outside
What I feel in these spaces
Is something I can’t feel anywhere else
I feel like I’ve lost something
Something beyond
The cliched innocence
And longing for yesteryear
But isn’t that something
We all want back?

What’s that saying⁴
That an old soul
Is just someone who received
A lot of childhood trauma

⁴I think this idea is too new
To be a saying
But it sounds more poetic
Than saying
What’s that idea
Currently being debunked
About Childhood trauma
Being the reason for
Young people labeled as old souls
As opposed to some sort
Of inherited wisdom during a time
Of adolescent whimsy?

What I wouldn’t do for some
Adolescent whimsy right about now

I bet you if I could put
Adolescent whimsy in a bottle
And call it something
Cool and sexy like Saudade
I’d make a million dollars

Makes You Young Again
Without Turning Back The Clock
By Fernando
The creator of Old Soul
And Generational Trauma
At a Walgreens near you

71.2024 #poem #antique #projection #oldsoul #saudade #healing #writer #chuckklosterman #culture #essay #critic

Poem 70 for 2024

Poem 70 for 2024

Poem 70

I got claustrophobia
From growing up
In a small, Mexican Catholic school
Working class immigrant community
Where everyone
Knows your name
Your brother’s name
Your sister’s name
Your dad
What he does
Where’s he from
Where he’s not from
Your mom (but not as much)
But it’s always like that
Everyone knows everything
About everyone
And no one questions it
Because people (parents) want this
It’s literally “It takes a village” in effect

For the most part
It wasn’t bad
And God bless all these people
Even the a$$holes
But like (me)
I wasn’t designed to
Stay in the same place
For a long time
But sometimes I make the mistake
Of staying in the same place
For a long time

I know I’ve scratched people
With the frayed edges
Of the overgrown husk of a former self
I’m too afraid to abandon

I’ve committed
Social faux pas
After social faux pas
By being an oblivious dick
(I can be a hard person to love)

I loved my huge public high school
For the fact that for the first time in life
I could blend in and be anonymous
It was beautiful to be a stranger
To have privacy among the throng of youth
Dying to be noticed
But to not be so obvious about it
As to be labeled uncool

But I still got that fear of
Small, enclosed spaces
That shit doesn’t go away

Also, I seem to keep finding these spaces
Am I just attracted to places
Where everyone knows your name
Am I just repeating patterns
And re-creating these spaces
Because I haven’t healed
A specific childhood trauma?

One constant of life is
That people will find you
You know
You can run away
From everyone you know
And you’ll just find new people
To run away from later


#poem #community #identity #workingclass #youth #reflection